
Hi, welcome to my tiny space of the internet! I first started making this site at the start of 2023 but put it on the backburner because I was saving to move out, now that moving is iminent and social media is hell I decided to work on this site again.

My plans so far are to keep uploading my webcomic Apricots here (new pages are in progress at the moment) and make a fun place to share thoughts and progress with anyone who’s interested.

For example, my next short-term project is a little zine Donald Duck story which is very silly and I’m excited to start sharing the process when I’m a bit further down the line with it. Reading other people’s processes is how I learned how to develop my own so I want to contribute a little to that and talk about comics in a more general sense as a certified big nerd.

Naturally the site itself is still slightly under construction and I have some things I want to edit a little. Still, I’m very excited to see where this goes. The overall aim is to make a website which isn’t just to display my work but also lends itself to sharing ideas and having a bit of a laugh.


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